Luisa Macias Celebrates 25 Years at Burling Bank

Congratulations to Assistant Vice President, Luisa Macias, who recently celebrated her 25th year at Burling Bank! If youā€™ve banked at Burling for any length of time youā€™ve come to know Luisaā€™s smiling face and can recognize her equally friendly voice.

Luisa started out her professional career in the Burling Bank lobby as a teller. Luisa recalls that when she was seeking her first job, she wanted to work in Chicago’s bustling financial district. Her cousin was a client of the bank and mentioned the location in the Board of Trade lobby. As she started her search, she decided to visit the bank and the first person she met was Maribeth Chambers, now Senior Vice President. They connected immediately and her search ended there. They have worked as an amazing team ever since!

Luisa still enjoys the location of the bank in the heart of the city, and she especially loves the close group of people connected to the bank. ā€œClients and co-workers alike have become like family to me. So many of our clients have banked here for years and weā€™ve had the pleasure of watching their families and businesses grow. Some would bring their children in when they were young and then years later we see those same kids go off to college. I just love how we stay connected personally and professionally.ā€ 

In her free time, Luisa loves cooking, entertaining, and spending time with her family and friends.

Thank you, Luisa, for your twenty-five years of dedicated client service and for being an outstanding ambassador for Burling Bank!